Friday 22 December 2006

Seasons Bleatings!

To my my dear small (but pink and warm) audience...

Just a quick note to let you all know that I have now been freed from the shackles of work and am on my Christmas break.

As I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog for a while, I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Christmas (or non-Christmas or midwinter festival of your choice).

And for those of you who have been waiting with abated breath....

I've decided that the winning name in the "Name that Dalek!" competition will be.....

....drum roll..... roll....

...soup and a roll....

...(sorry, got carried away with the rolls there)...


Congratulations to all who applied. The decision was a hard one, but I felt that the winner should be my long-suffering partner Tallulah.

Not because she's my partner, you understand, but mainly because she didn't pick an alliterative name (Denzil the Dalek??? - shame on you!) or one based on the weather.

The award ceremony for the presentation of my dignity to the winner will now take place this evening. Black tie, of course.

(...and remember, dignity is like virginity.... It's a big deal until you lose it, then you don't really know it's gone).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy christmas geek