Monday 24 September 2007

'Autumnal' is a nice word, so is 'meridian'...

T-minus 362 days until the big day....

Well, it appears that I've got my wish and autumn is upon us....

(My sister has recently revealed to me that 'autumnal' is her favourite word. I have to admit that it's a good word although personally I've always had a soft spot for 'meridian').

Had my first opportunity to legitimately wear my new winter coat today and have to admit that it felt good. Gloves were, unfortunately, not quite such a legitimate option and so my not-so-tiny hands were frozen as I awaited my commuter train this cold September morning.

I've spent a quiet weekend whilst Tallulah and I replenished our meagre store of groceries - having largely survived on fast food and the more experimental end of my cookery repertoire since we got back from Amsterdam.

Biggest trauma of the weekend came when I had to stop myself purchasing a large scale Cyberman model that had been reduced at TK MAXX on Saturday (curse myself for having the strength to resist some Sci-Fi tat). I consoled myself with the thought that the 14 points of articulation it possessed is not so much (I believe that I have at least 44).

Tallulah had a similar traumatic experience when faced by a large scale David Tennant doll in Tesco and had to rationalise her rejection on the basis that he was pigeon chested (the doll, not David Tennant)

Film recommendation of the weekend would be 'Run Fatboy Run' which is reasonably amusing and deserves to be seen if only because it involves a) Dylan Moran's bottom and b) a bakery called 'Libby's Lovely Buns'.

I shall end this post now before it probes even more posteriors.

Blessed are the Geek!

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