Saturday 6 September 2008

The saddest word...

14 days to go.

I have decided that the saddest word in the world is "Shopmobiliy".

This is not because I have any objection to the little scooter things. People with reduced mobility obviously want and need to get about. Although let's face it we've all suspected, even just for a moment, that a very very small proportion of the people utilising these scooters are simply being lazy or are drunk on power.

No. what I don't like is the word "Shopmobility". Shoppingmobility would be fine, as would the slightly clumsy mobility shopping.

But Shopmobility - the shops themselves are not moving! This must confuse small children all the time and they'll be expecting WHSmith to rear itself up on robotic legs and trample Sainsburys out of existence.

Oh, I feel I have an idea for an anime series coming on......

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