Friday, 28 September 2007

Leaving cards are such sweet sorrow...

Not much to report from geekville as I have been involved in a single project at work for the whole week.

Although....having had to write at least two leaving cards this week I find myself wondering if there is anyone on the face of the planet who doesn't face writers block when faced with one.

The card has always been around several other people before it gets to you and the usual suspects are all taken.

You are forced into the predicament of choosing either to:

a) write something that you think is funny but which actually makes you sound like a dork. Regular readers of this blog will observe that this doesn't overly bother me.


b) write something bland, banal and inoffensive which implies that you actually hated the person who is leaving all along.

I'm sure that William Shakespeare had this problem and would hide behind the photocopier whenever Susan from accounts came around with a card and a jingling envelope.

(Notice in this that my lack of awareness is coupled with a shallow understanding of the technological development of 16th century Britain).

Blessed are the Geek!

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