Sunday, 24 June 2007

Crawling from the wreckage...

One has come to the conclusion that moshing past the age of... say... twenty is a dangerous pastime.

The evidence for this came this morning after Tallulah's birthday/our midsummer party (Many thanks to those of you who came - and those of you who didn't shame on you). Things were going well until about 1 o'clock when I discovered that someones mix tape included 'Walk this way' and the moshing began... I am forced into the position of walking quite carefully so my head doesn't fall off. It hasn't yet but there is always the first time and if it DOES fall off I'm in dire straits as I didn't check on the box whether it was screw or bayonet fitting.

Anyway - to change the subject completely I have had a query from Spanglepuss in which she questions my Welshness -

Well, Spanglepuss, my grandmother was 100% Welsh and both she and my mother are called Gwyneth (My sister was almost called Myfanwy before sanity reigned). I spent a few weeks each summer with my welsh relatives every year until I was 10 and.... erm.... I like cheese and leeks and I once had a good singing voice. Welsh enough for you?

Changing the subject completely again - karma happened very quickly at the weekend after my last post complaining about emo kittens. My workplace was swamped with emo kids on Saturday and I can't help but think that it was organised retribution for my comments. I will therefore stop this thing in it's tracks and never again refer to emo kids again as 'goth-lite' in an effort to avoid an emo jihad.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

How marvellous is it that someone had a mix tape at our party? And that there was more than just you and me dancing in our living room?
Regarding the forgot to mention that your Welsh ancestry comes to the fore every time we play pub cricket ("I've got six!") and every time you download a pod cast by the marvellous Mr Russel T. Davies. Then, my love, you transform into Camp Welsh- a sight truly wondrous to behold!
And, in case you're wondering...the reason I'm anonymous is because I can't remember my stupid password! Although, come to think of it, I could really mess with your mind and post some really random comments. He he he.

Anonymous said...

I should say that 100% Welsh is enough for anyone. It may even be too much for some. 100% camp Welsh is simply distressing.

Hey, all you need is a Cornish piskie and you and Tallulah are practially a one-household Celtic fringe...