Friday, 25 May 2007

Poorly sick

Greetings faithful reader. Poor little geek has been poorly sick for a few days and then managed to follow that up with a bout of toothache which has kept him more or less away from the keyboard for a couple of weeks now.

Pity poor geek.

Those of you eagerly awaiting news of our pond will experience a sense of smug satisfaction to learn that the Butyl Kryptonite (developed by Luthor industries and sold in water garden specialists everywhere) failed to work. We have decided that continuing to try and fix this water feature is, quite literally, throwing money into a hole and so we have decided to fill it in.

As a result I would like to through this open to suggestions from my loyal fanbase (both of you) as to what we can do with this exquisite hole in the ground. Any suggestions as to what we can do with several metres of rubber sheeting (beyond the obvious suggestions of S&M gear or incontinence pants) will also be gratefully received.

1 comment:

Ruth Singer said...

perhaps the butyl kryptonite will work on your toothache? Cheaper than dentist at least?
sympathy poor geek.

with your hole in the ground maybe you could make a mini bmx / skate park for dolls on skateboards? or maybe some of those stuffed kittens in suits 'borrowed' from one of those lovely museums of scary things? Kittens on mini skateboards. yeah!