Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Fizzy grape juice

Yet again I have failed to post for a few days on the basis that, now that I am engaged, I have to spend more time with my fiance making conversation and NOT spend half the night tip-tapping away my deepest thoughts into the electronic ether. Talk about not reading the instructions - someone could have warned me about this before!

A most enjoyable weekend, although it did not go the way that I expected.

Best laid plans of attending a gig fell through as the drummer had to fly home due to family crisis. We all stayed inside instead and I continued to hit the bubbly transparent stuff that, in the past few weeks, I have come to regard as "merely expensive water".

(Champagne, not Perrier. That IS merely expensive water).

Anyway, I had rather too many ales and seemed to spend much of the night trying to avoid conversations about musical instruments (of which I know nothing beyond which end you blow in a recorder) and watching Spanglepuss' new man shake his hips to the beat in a way that came dangerously close to 'turning' me .

As a result (of the booze, and not Spanglepuss' new man's hips) my head was thumping a merry tune on Sunday morning and so I stayed in bead drinking tea and reading about the Olmecs... I'll admit that's not much of a hangover cure but it works about as well as any other that I've heard about - you can take your oysters and 'hair of the dog', I'll take a hot cup of tea and some Central American civilisations any day.

Sunday was spent travelling around looking for somewhere that was cheap to go into but served tea (this is apparently impossible in Yorkshire - the attractively bluff Yorkshire manner seems eternally married to the less attractive trait of attempting to fleece all visitors for the heinous crime of not being from Yorkshire).

Monday was spent at the Doctor Who exhibition at which Tallulah (that's Tallulah and NOT ME you understand) got very excited at seeing David Tennant's long coat and I was forced to stop playing and get out of the walk-in Dalek after a rather long line of children formed behind me waiting for a go (wasted on kids, wasted...).

At which point I feel I should include a link to a website devoted to cats that look like Hitler


Anonymous said...

best cat-faschist based web site i personally have seen in some time...

Ruth Singer said...

I like the sound of olmecs to distract from hangover. will try it myself next time

Ruth Singer said...
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