Sunday, 11 March 2007

Spring break - yeah!

Very excited today...

Firstly i'm excited because Tallulah and myself are off to Avebury tomorrow on what has become our annual using-up-of-annual-leave outing. Here's hoping that the sun shines (or at least makes an appearance) and the stones (which have stood the test of time for many thousands of years) don't fufill my nightmere scenario and choose this week to fall over, thus turning me into geek pizza.

Mmmmmm.....geek pizza.

Secondly i'm excited because the new Doctor Who teaser trailer has been released in the same week as I got free Doctor Who fridge magnets. Yes, it's only 14 seconds long (the trailer, not the magnets) but having spent the last few saturdays with only Primeval to console me I need some geeky goodness to look forward to.

Incidentally, for those of you who haven't seen it:

Stargate + Walking with Dinosaurs = Primeval

See the Who trailers here:


TallulahFred said...

Whereas Charmed + Star Trek Voyager = Geek Purgatory

Anonymous said...

1- did you ever read that desmond morris book "Inrock" at school?