Haven't really been able to blog for a few weeks as we've have had an influx of in-laws.
(To be honest that last statement is a bit of a misnomer - Tallulah and I are not currently in a state of matrimony - the best we can pretend to is being in a state of disarray - and so have no "in-laws" as such. I guess that makes Tallulah's parents my "outlaws".... but you just _try_ getting her father to wear green tights, sheesh).
Elder statesmen in green hosiery aside we have had two visits of relatives from the Scottish side of our relationship and that pretty much puts the computer (in the spare room) off limits. You just try tapping away into the night while two respectable people try to sleep merely feet away.
Just imagine the fuss if I woke one of them up to ask how to spell the word "heinous".
Anyway, I've have spent a large proportion of the previous weeks composing the following ode to the new love of my life. Yes it's true - I have transferred my affections to another as I could no longer stomach our relationship - replete as it was with salty goodness.
I am, of course, talking about my rejection of Marmite in favour of Lemon curd as my spread of preference when breaking my fast.
I haven't had lemon curd for years. Sure, I toyed with some of the other curds - Cherry curd in particular was young and enthusiastic, but her youthful lack of experience left me wanting someone who could touch me in ways I never thought possible.
Lemon curd has been around the block and, as we all know, with maturity comes a willingness to experiment.
So, until I become bored with her and wander off to preserves new (perhaps I'll sample peanut butter's spread-next-door charms again) Lemon curd is my preserve of choice.
I enclose the following ode:
Lemon Curd, Lemon Curd
You give me such delight
Lemon Curd. Lemon Curd
With your tasty bite
You make marmalade look quaint
You make jam look absurd
You make jam look absurd
Lemon Curd, Lemon Curd
Lemon Curd
Why not comment on this blog by telling me your favourite preserve-related anecdotes or poetry inspired by your favourite spread.
The most interesting entry will win absolutely nowt.
1 comment:
In the North West
The Gorgeous Geek a mighty toast mound did decree
And Lullah's heart filled with joy
As he at last could see
The Joy of Curd
and that yeast extract = turd
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