Tuesday, 16 January 2007

The links effect

Just a quick note in order to draw the attention of the inattentive amongst you to the crop of freshly garnered links currently adhered to the left of this blog.

"What!" you cry to yourself in astonishment and alarm "there are other blogs beside 'The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth? Do any of the others fulfil our needs in terms of weak puns and poorly-informed rants in the same way you do?"

Well no, actually - but some of them are rather good!

FRIED GREEN TOMATOES is the blog of the light of my life/my long-suffering partner (delete as applicable) Tallulah. Am I worried that she's named her blog after a film about a woman who goes crazy with an axe? - YOU BET I AM.
What you can learn there: How to wear fabulous shoes while coping with a partner who thinks posting photographs of Dalek bubble-bath containers on the Internet is a worthwhile way to spend an evening.

MANTUA MAKER is the blog of a friend of mine who is (quite frankly) the font of all textile and soft furnishing knowledge. In fact she's rather TOO fond of textiles - don't leave her alone with your scatter cushions unless they are old enough to know sin!!!
What you can learn there: The latest in textile and craft design PLUS 101 uses for a codpiece!!!

GRUBLOG is the blog of aforementioned friend who (in this blog) turns aside from the path of textiles and chronicles her own personal gastronomic journey. (i.e. it's about food).
What you can learn there: How to eat well (and co-ordinate your meals successfully with the tablecloth).

See you there soon!


TallulahFred said...

Don't worry, darling, Ms Bates used her axe strictly for DIY purposes! Now where did you hide that drill...?

I can certainly provide poorly-informed rants but my puns are so weak they gave up their fight for life and crawled under a rock to die.

A 'shoe of the week' feature has crossed my mind but that might attract the wrong sort of blog interest...

Ruth Singer said...

why thank you mr phrenology-head.
must go update....

Anonymous said...

does anyone know how to edge carpet so that it becomes a rug?